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- 行業新聞
On January 17, 2022, the Zhejiang Power Grid Dispatching Automation Simulation Test Center held a opening ceremony at the State Grid Zhejiang Training Center, which is the first dispatching automation simulation test center nationwide.
The Simulation Test Center, which is built with the first set of full-service, full-factor and full-process dispatching automation simulation test system all over the country, and fully supports the construction of digital power grid, is jointly constructed by the dispatching control center of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company and State Grid Zhejiang Training Center.
Based on virtualization technology, the simulation test center builds a unified hyper-converged platform to conduct 1:1 simulation of the production system of real-time monitoring, electric power spot market, and security protection for the power monitoring system, which is used to support the integration debugging and online verification of important functions related to the dispatching automation projects. At the same time, regularly carrying out professional technical training and skill improvement, to provide professional and technical staff members for the construction of the new type of dispatch system, and serving the construction of the new type of power system of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company.
The Simulation Test Center operates in a virtual joint team mode, and the State Grid Zhejiang Training Center is responsible for the system construction and daily management. The team members are from the provincial and municipal dispatching control centers, State Grid Zhejiang Training Center, State Grid Zhejiang Information and telecommunication branch, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute and other supporting units, as well as internal and external experts and talents from universities, scientific research institutes and technical support manufacturers.